23 August 2012


The other day i had a little journaling session about how i'd been feeling recently.  One of the issues was about 'want'.  From time to time i happen to want. I try not to, but it happens, and i notice that it happens with other people, too. (btw, all these "we" pretty much mean "i"...i suppose Gollum and i have something in common...stewpid fat hobbitses)

so here you go...a little something that can hopefully add a lil bit o perspective:

The human heart is a funny and fickle thing.  We want. We search. We clamp and clasp and grasp for all these things we have no need for.  The great sadness is that in all we want we forget (or forego) the abundances of what we have already been given.  And it's not that we see it. We look with blind ambition. 

I think back to the days of old; when i was but a tyke (ahh the good ole days...when Dane and David gave me a 9 point lead in a game of basketball and still beat me 10-9. that's what older brothers are for, eh)...

...but i digress...we're talking about the concept of not taking time to appreciate things that we've been given...

I remember (in those good ole days) that every time we left something out in the yard or around the house (toy on the ground, or worse, a baseball glove or bat outside!) or every time we complained of boredom, our dear mother (in the most charitable way possible) threatened us with an all-to-familiar ultimatum: "Boys!  If you don't want/take care of your things i swear i'm going to give them to someone who will!"  Of course, the object in question immediately became the object of our affection (if only out of fear of mom wrath...never, NEVER induce mom wrath *shudder*).  And, yeah, ya know, we had good times with those toys.  They were enough for us. They were more than enough for us.  But really, it's a shame we let it get to mom-wrath state.  We had everything we needed. Still, we needed to be woken up to that realization of "hey! whoa. This stuff is pretty great...and...it's right here; waiting for us to give it a lil' bit of TLC."

so there lies the challenge that plagues so many of us: to recognize all that has been (and continues to be) offered to us with at spirit of gratitude; to see it for what it is; and to give thanks by making the most of it.

How generous His blessings.  How silent our gratitude.  Heal us from a callous heart.


so if you have 4 minutes to spare, give this little diddy a listening to. Good ole Nichole Nordeman.
